Donations made to Links Academy can be allocated towards the advancement of Links’ professional development and scholarship fund. You may choose to support one of the many facets of a Links education by designating your gift to one of the following areas:

Professional Development: The Links Academy Fund enhances and enriches teaching and learning opportunities, allowing students to carefully hone their critical, creative, and collaborative thinking skills.

 Scholarship Fund: The Links Academy School community celebrates diversity and inclusivity. Our students come from a wide array of backgrounds and experiences, and the Scholarship Fund helps to bridge the gap to provide educational access for all.

Donations to the Pinnacle School can be allocated towards advancing Pinnacle’s academic, art, Playground, staff development, and/or scholarship fund. You may choose to support one of the many facets of a Pinnacle education by designating your gift to one of the following areas:

Arts: The art program is essential to a well-rounded education, as it benefits children's development. Unlike many subjects emphasizing correct answers and rigid rules, the arts provide a unique platform for children to explore and judge qualitative relationships. Through artistic expression, children learn to appreciate and celebrate multiple perspectives, fostering a deep sense of empathy and understanding. Moreover, the arts teach children that problem-solving is fluid, where purposes evolve with circumstance and opportunity. In the arts, students must surrender to the unanticipated possibilities that arise during the creative journey, developing adaptability and openness to new ideas.

By participating in the art program, children gain a valuable tool for self-expression and learn to engage in meaningful discussions about the emotional impact of artworks. Finally, including the arts in the school curriculum sends a powerful message to young learners about what adults consider essential.

On-Campus Playground: Play is an essential developmental task in all children’s lives. Children learn to explore their environment through play and develop physical and cognitive skills. Children also learn to master various social-emotional skills, such as teamwork, mood regulation, and trust. All students at Pinnacle require sensory input, such as movement and deep pressure to regulate their arousal levels throughout the school day.  A playground would provide a fun and appropriate way for our students to access this input by swinging, climbing, and sliding.  When students have consistent access to environments providing regulating sensory input, children can maintain an optimal level of arousal, which decreases dysregulation and physical behaviors.  An outdoor play area will be hugely beneficial for the students to access the many educational needs outlined within their IEPs fully. This play area needs to be fully informed by our Occupational Therapists to ensure that it will provide a safe and sensory-rich play structure.  

Professional Development: The Pinnacle Fund enhances and enriches teaching and learning opportunities, allowing students to carefully hone their critical, creative, and collaborative thinking skills.

Scholarship Fund: The Pinnacle School community celebrates diversity and inclusivity. Our students come from a wide array of backgrounds and experiences, and the Scholarship Fund helps to bridge the gap to provide educational access for all.

Donations made to the Spire School can be allocated towards the advancement of Spire’s academic, art, and music programs, staff development, and/or scholarship fund. You may choose to support one of the many facets of a Spire education by designating your gift to one of the following areas:

Academics:  Enhanced science lab spaces and opportunities for hands-on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) education, including virtual reality and/or flight or space simulation learning experiences.

Arts: Our goals for the art program are to install a darkroom for black and white film development, a pottery wheel, and a kiln and include expanded digital art classes in our curriculum.

Music: The music program would be able to replace our piano with a high-quality digital piano, two electric guitars and two guitar amps, three new keyboards, Logic ProX software, and fast processor laptops for music composition and mixing. 

Professional Development: The Spire Fund enhances and enriches teaching and learning opportunities, allowing students to carefully hone their critical, creative, and collaborative thinking skills.

Scholarship Fund: The Spire School community celebrates diversity and inclusivity. Our students come from a wide array of backgrounds and experiences, and the Scholarship Fund helps to bridge the gap to provide educational access for all.